Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Chinese Cultural Anthropology :: essays research papers

Cultures have many things in common. Most things that cultures have in common are necessary to survive, such as fire and language. But there are always even more than the things necessary. Some things include music, luck superstitions, and athletic sports. In the Chinese culture, music is usually traditional. There are instruments made of many materials, usually stone and wood, in addition to silk, bamboo, clay, and many other materials. The purpose of music in Chinese culture is not to amuse but cleanse one?s thoughts. In American culture, music has many genres, such as rock, pop, and rap. Common instruments include guitar, bass guitar, and drums. There are many others in different categories of bands, such as in a marching band there are different instruments. These may include trumpet, cornet, clarinet, flute, and the instruments listed above as well. In African culture, the most common music is spiritual or gospel. Some other musical genres in African music is hip-hop, rap, jazz, or funk. Piano is a common instrument in gospel. In jazz, saxophone is widespread. All three of these cultures have music. Luck superstitions are common in all cultures. In Chinese culture, superstitions deal with a variety of things. It is considered unlucky to greet anyone in their bedroom so that is why everyone, even the sick, should get dressed and sit in the living room. It is also considered unlucky to use knives or scissors on New Year's Day as this may cut off fortune. These are common superstitions, also called taboos. In American culture, superstitions are just as random and far-fetched as Chinese taboos. Some believe if you catch a snail on Halloween night and lock it into a flat dish, in the morning you will see the first letter of your sweetheart written in the snail's slime. Some believe that to put your shoes on the bed will cause a death in the family. It is common to hear that when a black cat crosses your path, you will have nine years bad luck. It is also to hear that to break a mirror will give you seven years bad luck. A four-leafed clover is considered good luck. African superstit ions are also very common in the culture. It is believed that to look through the trees at the moon will bring bad luck. Some believe that a child?s right hand should not be washed for a month after birth.

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